The AD HOC Singers

Louise Lee, Director

Celebrating the Arts

a fundraiser for the

Dominican Retreat

4:15 p.m., Sunday, June 27, 2004
McLean, Virginia, USA

Thank-you note from the Dominican Retreat.

First Part, 4:15 PM
Behold, How Good and Pleasant It Is (1:54, 1.8 mb)
(Ecce quam bonum (Psalm 132))
Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612)
conducted by Jenny Bland
Behold how good and how pleasant it is
for brethren to dwell in unity.
Like precious ointment upon the head,
which descended upon the beard of Aaron,
which descended to the hem of his garment,
As dew of Hermon that descended upon Mount Sion,
for there the Lord there did command a blessing,
even life for evermore.
Motet Lauda Sion (2:58, 2.8 mb) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
text by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Lauda Sion
Lauda Sion Salvatorem,
Lauda ducem et pastorem,
In hymnis et canticis.
Laud, O Zion
Zion, to Your Savior sing,
To Your Shepherd and Your King!
Let the air with praises ring!
Quantum potes, tantum aude:
Quia maior omni laude,
Nec laudare sufficis.
All you can, proclaim with mirth,
Far higher is His worth
Than the glory words may wing.
Bone pastor, panis vere,
Iesu, nostri miserere:
Tu nos pasce, nos tuere,
Tu nos bona fac videre
In terra viventium.
Jesus, Shepherd mild and meek,
Shield the poor, support the weak;
Help all who Your pardon sue,
Placing all their trust in You:
Fill them with Your healing grace!
Missa Lauda Sion Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Kyrie (1:47, 1.7 mb)
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Gloria (3:01, 2.9 mb)
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Laudamus te, benedicimus te,
Adoramus te, glorificamus te.
Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Jesu Christe.
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace to men of good will
We praise Thee, we bless Thee,
We adore Thee, we glorify Thee,
We give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory.
Lord God, heavenly King,
God the Father almighty.
Lord God, the only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ.
Songs of Nature
(V přírodě)
Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904)
text by Vitězslav Hálek (1835-1874)
(translation by Harold Heiberg)
I. Napadly písně v duśi mou Melodies steal into my heart (1:39, 1.6 mb)
Melodies steal into my heart;
I never know how melodies do it.
You would not ask the meadow grass to know
whence come the diamonds that bedew it?
Round me the world grows still and clear
as Nature greets the new day's sunrise;
now beauty fills my soul with joy.
now tender sadness moistens my eyes.
Dewdrops from moonlit sky appear;
and from a heart that's filled with joy and sorrow
thence come the songs we love to hear,
and thence comes all hope for a brighter new day,
and thence comes hope for a brighter morrow.
II. Večerní les rozvázal zvonky Vesper bells ring (2:51, 2.7 mb)
Vesper bells ring, evening is falling,
the birds of day are hushed and silent.
Only one cockoo still is calling,
and deep in shadows nightingales sing.
Stirred by the westwind's gentle caressing,
the trembling leaves with dewdrops glimmer,
while through the trees moonlight is pouring
to fill the woods with silver shimmer.
Nodding in sleep, flowers are dreaming,
song birds are dreaming in the treetops.
Only the timid doe still lingers
to drink of the crystaline dewdrops.
Now she is gone, and her departure
leaves silence reigning in the forest;
ah, let the distant nightingale sing,
for such beauty can trouble no rest.
Now even she has ceased her warbling.
Veiling the woodland, darkness her cloak has spread.
Thus slowly all the realm of Nature
is quiet and peace is enfolded.
III. Žitné pole Golden sunlight (1:39, 1.6 mb)
Golden sunlight, golden sunlight
shines upon the rip'ning grain,
warm winds whisper in the corn fields,
harvest time has come again.
Fax and barley, toss'd by breezes,
to and fro, toss'd by breezes to and fro,
and the kernels of wheat and rye grow heavy
in the sunshine's ardent glow.
Yellow butterflies are dancing
to the buzz of bumblebees,
whistling quail and chirping cricket
fill the air with melodies.
Golden sunshine, golden harvest,
wondrous world of golden hue,
this our song of harvest sun and summer
joyously we sing to you.
IV. Vyběhla břiza běličká Slender young birch (2:50, 2.7 mb)
Slender young birch, how straight you grow,
green and silver, there on the hill.
banishing thoughts of winter's snow,
promising rose and daffodil.
Birch tree, your feath'ry robe of green
shyly bids the breezes to play;
whisp'ring they tell of things they've seen
while wand'ring through this April day.
What could that magic tone have been,
sounding like shawm or violin?
'Tis the enchanting carol of spring
through all of Nature echoing!
Buds form and swell, leaflets unfold,
till all spring's glory we behold,
while branches stir and gently wave,
joining in praise of their Maker.
Building their nests in ev'ry tree,
birds sing again their roundelay,
and all of Nature soon will be
greeting the lovely month of May.
V. Dnes do skoku a do písničky This day (2:41, 2.6 mb)
This day was made for great rejoicing,
this day is truly God's creation!
The universe delight is voicing,
all Nature joins the celebration.
To watch the midges gaily dancing,
wee insects are perched on leaf and blossom,
while through the forest busy brooks are rushing,
filling with longing and desire ev'ry bosom.
See how the heavens turn to crimson:
sunset's flaming torches are burning.
O hear how the lovely nightingales sing,
their rapt'rous songs of love and yearning!
The world resounds with wondrous music
as each fulfills the joyous duty
of giving thanks for countless blessings:
Peace and contentment, truth and beauty.
Radiant in moonlight, glitt'ring with starlight,
glowing with rapture and emotion,
now earth and heav'n from a chalice;
drink of the boundless joy Nature holds!

Second Part, 5:15 PM

Cecilie Jones, violinist, and Marynelle Losin, pianist, from the Friday Morning Music Club.

Sonata in B-flat for Violin and Piano, KV 378 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
I. Allegro moderato
II. Andantion sostenuto e cantabile
III. Rondeau - Allegro
Album Leaf in e minor, op. 12
[omitted for time]
Edward Grieg (1843-1907)
Berceuse in D Major, op. 16
[omitted for time]
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Canzonetta in g minor, op. 6 (RealAudio 28.8K 56K) Alfredo D'Ambrosio (1871-1914)

Cecilie Jones, Violinist
Cecilie Jones says: "My musical performing life has happily included all sorts of music, from symphony and opera to bluegrass and Broadway. But since discovering chamber music as a young adult, it has been my favorite. As a Foreign Service spouse I have performed in countries in Europe and the Middle East. As a student in California, I studied with Elizabeth Kincaid, and as an adult, with Mark Gottlieb, a former member of the Claremont Quartet, and a former concertmaster of the Kansas City Philharmonic."

Marynelle Losin, Pianist
Marynelle Losin earned her B. Music from Lawrence University and her M. Music in piano and performance from U. of Wisconsin at Madison, where she studied with Howard Karp. She is a freelance accompanist and also performs under the auspices of the Friday Morning Music Club. She and her husband, Peter, have raised two sons in Springfield, VA, where she maintains a private studio.

This section of the program was not recorded, at the performers' request.

Third Part, 6:15 PM
Laetentur caeli (3:26, 3.3 mb) William Byrd (1543-1623)
Laetentur caeli, et exsultet terra.
Jubilate montes laudem, quia Dominus noster veniet,
et pauperum suorum miserebitur.
Orietur in diebus tuis justitia, et abundantia pacis,
et pauperum suorum miserebitur.
Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad.
Sing forth praise, ye mountains, for our Lord shall come,
and he shall take pity on his afflicted people.
There shall arise in thy days righteousness and an abundance of peace,
and he shall take pity on his afflicted people.
Jauchzet dem Herrn - Psalm 100 (Op. 69 No. 2) (4:36, 4.4 mb) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847)
Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt.
Dient dem Herrn mit Freuden,
und kommet vor sein Angesicht mit Frohlocken.
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands,
Serve the Lord with gladness,
and come before His presence with a song.
Er ist Gott, unser Herr, er ist Gott,
er hat uns gemacht, und nicht wir selbst,
zu seinem Volk, und zu Schaafen siener Weide.
Be ye sure that the Lord He is God,
it is He that hat made us, and not ourselves,
we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
O geht zu seinen Thoren ein mit Danken,
zu seinen Vorhöfen mit Loben,
geht zu seinen Thoren ein mit Loben,
danket ihm, und lobet seinen Namen.
O go your way into His gates with thanksgiving,
and into His courts with praise,
go into His gates with praise,
be thankful unto Him, and speak good of His Name.
Denn der herr ist freundlich,
und seine Gnade und Wahrheit waltet ewig, für und für.
For the Lord is gracious,
His mercy is ever lasting and His truth endureth,
from generation to generation.
Lob des Frühlings (Op. 100 No. 3) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Frühlingslied (Frühlingsgesang) (2:16, 2.2 mb)
Berg und Tal will ich durch streifen in der Frülingstage Pracht,
wo auf Wiesen und in Wäldern die verjügte Schöpfung lacht.
Through mountain and valley will I roam in the spring day's splendor
Where creation, starting over, laughs in the meadows and woods.
In das Wonnemeer der Düfte, das aus allen Blüten quillt,
will ich ganz mich untertauchen bis der Seele Durst gestillt.
In the blissful sea of fragrance pouring from every bloom
Full immersion will I seek till my soul's thirst is quenched.
Bis ich selber untergehe in der Blüten Balsam duft,
und aus dir verjüngt erstehe du geliebte Frühlings luft.
Till I drown in the balmy scent of flowers,
and rise again renewed in you, you darling air of spring.
(trans. Jenny Bland)
Im Grünen (Op. 59 No. 1) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
text by Helmine von Chezy
Im Grünen (2:25, 2.3 mb)
Im Grün erwacht der frische Mut, wenn blau der Himmel blickt.
Im Grünen da geht alles gut, was je das Herz bedrückt.
In the country the fresh courage awakes, if blue the sky looks.
In the country everything goes there well, which oppresses ever the heart.
Was such'st der Mauern engen Raum, du töricht Menschen kind?
Komm, fühl' hier unter'm grünen Baum, wie süß die Lüfte sind.
What looks for the walls close area, you toericht humans child?
Come, feel here lower green tree, as sweet air are.
Wie holde Kindlein spielt um dich ihr Odem wunderlieb,
und nimmt all' deinen Gram mit sich, du weißt nicht wo er blieb.
Like holde child flax its Odem plays miracle dear,
and takes all to your Gram with itself, you do not know where he remained.
(trans. Babel Fish)
Im Freien zu singen (Op. 41 No. 1) Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
text by August Graf von Platen
Im Walde (2:14, 2.1 mb)
Ihr Vögel in den Zweigen schwank,
wie seid ihr fro und frisch und frank,
und trillert Morgenchöre.
Ich fühle mich im Herzen krank,
wenn ich's von unten höre.
Ye birds, in the branches swaying,
how happy and fresh and carefree you are,
warbling your morning choruses.
I feel sick at heart
whenever I hear you from below....
Ein Stündchen schleich' ich bloß heraus
in euer lustig Sommerhaus,
und muß mich dess' beklagen.
Ihr lebet stets in Saus und Braus,
seht's nachten hier und tagen.
For just a little while I'll steal out
into your joyful summer house
and yet I find it sad
to know you always live like kings out here,
seeing night fall and day break....
Ihr sucht der Bäume grünes Dach,
der Wiese Schmelz, den Kieselbach,
ihr flieht for Stadt und Mauer,
und laßt die Menschen seufzen, ach!
in ihrem Vogelbauer.
You seek the trees' green roof,
the meadow's glow, the pebbly stream,
You flee from city and walls,
leaving us humans to sigh, full of woe,
in our bird cage.
(trans. Jenny Bland)
Seven Poems of Robert Bridges (1844-1930) Gerald Finzi (1901-1956) text
I Praise the Tender Flower (1:40, 1.6 mb)
I praise the tender flower,
That on a mournful day
Bloomed in my garden bower
And made the winter gay.
Its loveliness contented
My heart tormented.
I praise the gentle maid
Whose happy voice and smile
To confidence betrayed
My doleful heart awhile.
And gave my spirit deploring
Fresh wings for soaring.
The maid for very fear
Of love I durst not tell
The rose could never hear,
Though I bespake her well:
So in my song I bind them
For all to find them.
My Spirit Sang All Day (2:18, 2.2 mb)
My spirit sang all day
O my joy.
Nothing my tongue could say,
Only: My joy!
My heart an echo caught
O my joy
And spake, Tell me thy thought.
Hide not thy joy.
My eyes gan peer around,
O my joy
What beauty hast thou found?
Shew us thy joy.
My jealous ears grew whist;
O my joy,
Music from heaven is't,
Sent for our joy?
She also came and heard;
O my joy,
What, said she, is this word?
What is thy joy?
And I replied, O see,
O my joy,
'Tis thee, I cried, 'tis thee:
Thou art my joy.
Avril (2:20, 2.2 mb) Léo Delibes (1836-1891)
text by Rémy Belleau (c 1528-1577)
Avril April
Avril, La grâce et le ris De Cypris
Le flair et la douce haleine,
Avril, Le parfum des dieux
Quix des cieu Sentent l'odeur de la plaine.
April! The grace and the laughter of Cypris (Venus),
her scent and her sweet breath.
April! The perfume of the gods,
who from the heavens scent the aromatic earth.
Avril, C'est ta douce main
Qui du sein De la nature,
Dessere une moissons de fleurs
De senteurs Embaumant l'air et la terre.
April! yours is the gentle hand
which from Nature's breast
draws forth a harvest of flowers,
enfolding the world in fragrance.
C'est toi courtois et gentil
Qui d'exil Retires ces passagères,
Ces hirondelles qui vont
Et qui sont Du printemps les messagères.
It is you, courtly and courteous,
who recalls from their exile the swallows;
those birds of passage,
heralds of spring.
(trans. Jane Oakshott)
C'est Dieu! (2:18, 2.3 mb) Léo Delibes
text by Hinzelin
C'est Dieu! Give Thanks to the Lord!
Saistu qui répand sur la plaine
Les fleurs, les moiossons, les troupeaux;
Qui couvre l'agneau de sa laine
Et de leurs pampres les coteaux?
Saistu qui toujours dit sa route,
Au vent qui passe au flôt qui fuit?
Qui fait le jour, qui vait la nuit,
Et donne à la voûte céleste son manteau bleu?
C'est Dieu mon fils, c'est Dieu.
Do you know who scatters the earth
with flowers and crops and herds?
Who dresses the lamb in his fleece
and covers the hillside with vines?
Do you know who gives direction to the blowing winds,
to the flowing waters?
Who makes the day, who makes the night,
and arrays the arch of heaven with its dazzling suns and cloak of blue?
It is God, my child. It is God.
Saistu qui donne leur verdure
Aux gazons, aux fleurs, aux buissons;
a l'onde aux brises, leur murmure
Aux oiseaux leurs douces chansons?
Saistu qui pare de leurs charmes,
Nos gai matins et nos beaux jours?
Saistu celui qui met toujours un peu de baume sur nos larmes,
Un peu d'espoir dans tout adieu?
C'est Dieu mon fils, c'est Dieu.
Do you know who gives color to the lawns,
the flowers, the trees;
soft music to the waves and winds,
and to the birds their sweet songs?
Do you know who decks out
our cheerful mornings and our lovely days?
Do you know who always brings some comfort when we weep,
some hope at each farewell?
It is God, my child. It is God.
(trans. Jane Oakshott)

The AD HOC Singers
Louise Lee, Director
Soprano I Alto Bass
Alyn Beauchamp Jenny Bland Martin Bernstein
Micki Fuson Laura Schneider Jim McElfish
Hellen Gelband Tenor Michael Niebling
Karen Lee Brent Chivers David Westergaard
Julie Mack Steve Cordle Jon Westergaard
Norma Meyer Tenor II/Baritone Peter Wolfe
Jane Udelson Tim Burr

The Ad Hoc Singers, an amateur chamber chorus devoted to traditional choral literature from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries, has been in existence under the direction of Louise Lee since 1975. They perform regularly at churches and other locations throughout the metro-D.C. area. Please contact Louise Lee for more information.

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This concert was digitally recorded into an Apple iBook. Unfortunately there was electrical noise from nearby lighting equipment.