The Reverend Dr. Scott S. Ickert, Pastor
Dr. Roy J. Guenther, Organist/Choirmaster
Mrs. Janet Hart, Church Secretary
Wednesday, 27 March 1996
Resurrection Lutheran Church
5201 N. Washington Blvd.
Arlington, Virginia

Service of Evening Prayer
27 March 1996
7:30 pm

Service of Lightp. 142
The Psalmody
Let My Prayer...p. 145
Psalm 116 (sung antiphonally,
      beginning on the pulpit side)
p. 272
Two Passion MotetsHeinrich Schütz
[Quo, nate dei]
O Son of God, who low art Thou brought, inflamed by
love; by what depth of compassion art Thou humbled,
what boundless charity? How can I repay you for
all that you have forgiven me? My King and my God!
[Calicem salutaris accipiam]
I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name
of the Lord; I will speak out your praise among all
your people and sing of your lovingkindness forever.
Hymn 206Song 1
"Lord, Who the Night You Were Betrayed"
Nehemiah 9:9-15
AnthemOut of the DeepWilliam Croft
arr. Austin Lovelace
Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord.
Lord, hear my voice. O let thine ears consider well
the voice of my complaint. For there is mercy with thee.
Therefore shalt thou be feared. O Israel, trust in the
Lord; for with the Lord there is mercy and plenteous
redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his sins.
John 6:26-35
Gospel Canticlep. 147
AnthemLasset uns unser HerzJohannes Brahms
Let us all lift our hearts and our
hands to heaven, to God our Father.
The Litanyp. 148
Hymn 224Schmücke dich
"Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness"
SermonPastor Ickert
Luther's Catechism: Holy Communion
Prayerp. 153
Beneditionp. 153
+ + +
LectorKari Koester
All loose offerings will be donated to the Arlington Free Clinic.
We express our appreciation to the Ad Hoc Singers, directed by Louise Lee,
for the special gift of music they have provided for this service.

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